Mule pick ups
Mule pick ups

Why a Mule Tomthumbucker for a pickup? Why not a piezo/magic ribbon/unicorn horn? A magnetic pickup will get you the most volume before feedback, important when the context is a cavernous steel chamber of awesome. It’s also a full electric pickup mounted inside the guitar, not something that’s super thin that’s taped on the top. Because it’s mounted inside the guitar it’s also picking up all the tone goodness inside the guitar. It’s a sound you can’t get otherwise and that’s inspirational tone. - Matt
I wrote an E-mail on this also but feel that I should share the question and answer with other owners and potential owners of Mule guitars. My left handed lap style Mule tricone does not have a pickup. I have a local guitar guy for whom I have complete confidence. That is Joe Riggio of Service Guitar repair, here in Tacoma, WA. So, my question is, can I source a Tomthumbucking pickup from you for Joe to install for me, or do I need to ship my guitar to you?