Do the (right) work.

Do the (right) work.

Do the (right) work. I’ve learned from watching my JV football players that most of the mistakes they make are doing things they think are working but aren’t. They are pushing hard and running so it feels right. Techniques I’ve shown them go out the window. If it doesn’t work they do the same thing, sometimes harder, and if it doesn’t work they are confused. They are clearly the victims of some unseen force no one can understand and are having a problem that no one has ever had...

We do the same thing don’t we? Creatures of habit, of conditioning, of confirmation bias, of feelings, of ego. The ship could be sinking and we never see the water rising because it feels like we are doing stuff.

Success - meaning achieving the result you want- leaves clues.⠀
1. Mindfulness - Practicing sitting and observing thoughts and feelings and not being defined by them. A natural element of being human is having thoughts and feelings. Being well adjusted is being able to recognize which ones lead to healthy decisions and get us closer to a good outcome. ⠀

2. Know you can always be wrong. Choices need to be made, intuition followed etc but always holding the idea that it could be wrong will help you see when it’s going badly. You’ll keep learning, and recognize what assumptions you’ve been holding you need to let go off.

3. Find out what markers of progress are. Our thoughts and feelings about everything change constantly - I can get in an argument with a family member and then feel badly about my work. Having clearly defined markers helps us navigate when our inner lives are feeling tumultuous. It doesn’t need to be crazy precise, but how do you know if you’re on the right track if you don’t know what that looks like?

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Dave M.

Words to live and work and serve others by!