Don’t just do stuff
Don’t just do stuff
Don’t just do stuff.
Things are worth thinking deeply about. The more intention applied, the more we train ourselves to see during the process, the more we integrate what we learn the fuller our lives become.
This minute long tune was a practice in something I’ve been working on in my personal life. It took quite a bit of takes. When I record a video I usually write what’s recorded right before I film it. This is my practice in working through things when something’s on the line, dealing with things with quiet confidence and humility in the moment. Getting to and accepting “good enough” and moving on. After multiple misses I get frustrated with myself. This is the negative energy im conditioning myself to deal with. I never stop being frustrated with myself but when I know it’s going to happen I’m one step ahead and it doesn’t throw me off course. I can still express myself honestly, with quiet confidence and vulnerability.
We had a top blowout on a special instrument this morning first thing. A normal thing that happens when working with wood sometimes. But it happened to an employee who was just hired. You can imagine the nervousness. We talked through it, found a way to turn this instrument into a matched pair with its replacement so we can demonstrate our new idea even more effectively.
If I had not approached the minute long tune above like I had maybe I didn’t see the mistake like an opportunity. Maybe I would have treated the new guy more harshly than I should have. Maybe this experience is one he carries into his own relationships. Grace is the soil change takes root in. The harder it is to give the greater the capacity for change. Thinking deeply about things changes your life and your relationships. You may not know what to ask or what you’re looking at. The first step is this: slow down.
Don’t just do stuff.