Bernard G
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Bernard G posted a comment on the video Gypsy Jazz
yeah, just slide the way, here is your beer ......Read more

Bernard G liked the video Gypsy Jazz

Bernard G liked the video 12 string Mule: David and the Devil-Mrs. McGrath

Bernard G liked the article New Model
Our tricones are 12 fret guitars and although we offer a cutaway option we often get requests for a 14 fret option. So for you whose musicality knows no bounds and whose creativity cannot be contained by three puny octaves......Read more

Bernard G uploaded the video Devil‘s got my Woman by Skip James - Bernard G Muller

Bernard G posted a comment on the video Tyler Bryant and the Rooster
tailgating, that's what it's all about. nice little gem.......Read more

Bernard G posted a comment on the video Nat Myers- No Gas, No Lectricity
...more.........Read more

Bernard G liked the video Nat Myers- No Gas, No Lectricity