Pexto circle shear
Pexto circle shear
There’s a right tool for the job and this one was not it.
Failing isn’t part of the process it is the process. Failing is scary because it exposes our incapability. We want to achieve something, sometimes need to, but don’t know how or have the ability. We are exposed and our need to be loved and be recognized can feel like it’s at risk - because in some situations it has been.
You can turn this feeling into power. Burn the boats. Commit to doing something you don’t know how to do. Fear of failing can turn into motivation through curiosity. It’s an acknowledgment of your shortcomings without acceptance of them. This is human. So you keep on wondering what the solution could be. Your skin gets tougher, your brain lies to you but you don’t believe it. Resilience to failing can turn into strength. The process of problem solving continues during pain. Strength during failure can turn into bravery. It’s not fearlessness - maybe that is a real thing but it’s not something I personally have experience with. I’m afraid more often than I am not. I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing, not being who I want to be, not treating others as I should, being wrong about something I feel I’m right about. I’m afraid I’m walking down the wrong path unknowingly. I’m afraid of conflict. But my ability to act grows every time I do it anyways. My mind has a new pursuit and it’s seeking discomfort and acting regardless.
But why undertake this discomfort at all? If you feel like you cant go down that path- or just don’t want to - that’s not you talking. Your brain is a liar and it’s biggest lie is that if you stay put you’re safe. The train of your life and relationships is leaving the station. Sprint with everything you’ve got and jump on.
This tool didn’t make many instruments but it was a step in staring failure right in its stupid face and not stopping. That’s power.
This circle shear is also featured in @fretboardjournal ‘s new book of tools but together by friend and Mule customer Jamie Etherington. Grab yourself a copy.